The Hotel Life

One of the things I enjoy about travelling for the Christmas holiday is the hotel life.

Many may disagree but I stand with my belief that the hotel life adds some years to one's lifespan.

For me, this is the only time I get to be asked by dear husband what I'd like to eat. All through the year, it's the other way round. Christmas should just be every month.

I can sleep all I want without any guilty feeling. I worry less about laundry, cooking, keeping the house clean and the best of it, no threat from NEPA!

If I had my way, I'd live the simple hotel life forever!

Sleep, wake, order my food, chill by the pool and then come back to a sparkling clean room with freshly laid bed.

No surprise visitors and no loss of sleep over running of the home.  No bulbs to change or water pumping machine to turn on and monitor.

No threats from the street association to lock down on debtors.

CNN is synonymous to hotel rooms and the holiday is a good time to be in touch with events around the world for those who are allergic to information. 

It's one day to a new year and some people are already writing resolutions that they will never keep or at best go through with just for the first two weeks. Lol.

Why is it  "Happy New Year" and not "Merry New Year"?

By the way, here's a picture of my boys and I putting on our Christmas clothes. Ike akpati aka bottom box. Hoihoihoi ( I laugh in my Lokpanta dialect)


  1. @ Amaks,you and the boys look fabulous. You are blessed.

  2. @ Amaks,you and the boys look fabulous. You are blessed.

  3. Waoooh even the baby is mow a nan. Well done mom....lovely to see you all....hope you all had a great Christmas. My greetings to dad

  4. Merry New Year to you and yours nwanne!

  5. Awesome picture and well written... Have always asked the same question @Merry New Year!!! Am glad you are resting, mothers need to take timeout.

  6. Lovely picture!!
    You need all the rest you can get........ you deserve it.

  7. Just like in the game of basketball,every quarter has a time out. So I encourage you to grab as many time outs as you can,not only to have fun but to reflect on the realities of life. Be blessed.

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